Other Publications

What follows is a list of the work that I have had the good fortune to see accepted for publication elsewhere. I hope that, should you follow these links, you'll try and find the time to read at least a few other works on each site, because I can assure you that it will be time well spent.

Short Fiction:

'Death Burlesque' - on Ink Sweat & Tears, a very fine webzine specializing in poetry, prose, and those delightful offshoots that might otherwise drop through the gap in between.  

'Timber' - in BULL: Men's Fiction, a brilliant print and online publication, attempting (and succeeding in its quest) to revivify the market for short fiction aimed primarily at a male audience. Showcases new work that, in influences, runs the gamut of masculinity from Hemingway to Palahniuk, and beyond. (Here is my interview associated with the piece.)

'Rosa, Goodnight' - in Birdville, an online magazine with a great, and growing, archive of darkly entertaining short fiction.

'Aflutter' - First featured on this site, but now available on Ink Sweat & Tears, whose archive gets finer and more interesting with every story and poem that they post.

'Rehearsal' - in NFTU, a great online mag, featuring a host of challenging, promising fiction, and fascinating arts journalism, artwork, and photography. Contains a small interview/ recommendation piece, as a kind of coda.

'Hungry Young Man' - in 3:AM, a brilliant online magazine which features a well-balanced mix of short fiction, flash fiction, criticism and poetry.

'Peacock Bone and Sparkling Wine' - on Ink Sweat & Tears. As always, be sure to check out more work in their marvellous (and marvellously varied) archive.

'Go On, My Son' - on The Front View. Which is an online literary journal worth reading deeply and often.

'Jobseeking Nirvana' and 'Pause' - in NFTU, whose archive is ever-deepening, and is well-worth checking out.

'Hundreds and Thousands', 'something about you', and 'A Proper Charlie' - in Eunoia Review, an online publication, featuring frequently challenging, frequently exciting works of poetry and prose.

'The Immaculate Sadness of Peter J. Beech' - in Cleaver Magazine, a very sharp (geddit?) and highly fascinating mix of fiction, art, essays and reviews.

'Concerto' -  in Outside In, a fantastic, informative, enlightening, horizon-expanding publication, featuring fiction, non-fiction and poetry related to travel.


'Owed to Roger' - on the blog of the Manchester Culture Show, a great radio and online production, showcasing new music and reviewing arts events both local and (inter)national.